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NCSIST and AIDC Signs New Advanced Jet Trainer Commission Agreement

NCSIST and AIDC Signs New Advanced Jet Trainer Commission Agreement

To comply with the Air Force’s New Advanced Jet Trainer development schedule both the National Chung Shan Institute of Science and Technology (NCSIST) and the Aerospace Industrial Development Corporation (AIDC) confirmed details of the procurement agreement and held a signing ceremony with a supplier solicitation convention in northern Taiwan on April 25, 2017 at Longyuan Area of NCSIST in Taoyuan City. With the objective of leading the development of Taiwan’s aerospace industry into a new era, representatives from the Ministry of National Defense, Ministry of Economic Affairs, ROCAF Headquarters, local government and related industries attended the ceremony.

Following the opening addresses by Mayor Wen-tsan Cheng of Taoyuan City, Deputy Minister Jong-chin Shen of MoEA and Chairman Shih-kuan Feng, Chairman of NCSIST, the contract was officially signed by Dr. Guan-chung Chang, President of NCSIST, and Chairman Anson Liao of AIDC. NCSIST then gave a presentation on the overall development plan of the “local production of advanced trainer” program, and AIDC conducted a conference and discussion on the trainer’s; airframe, engine, systems, hardware fasteners and ground support training system to encourage and expand both interest and participation of domestic suppliers and to enhance domestic economic efficiency. Two more conventions are scheduled to be held in central Taiwan in Taichung City, and in southern Taiwan in Kaohsiung City.

On Feb. 7, 2017 R.O.C. President Tsai, Ing-wen attended the new Advanced Jet Trainer Contract Signing Ceremony between the ROCAF and the NCSIST. This program serves as the critical means to launch the defense strategy of the aerospace industry development, which includes; promotion of parallel development of system parts, transferring technology to private sectors, upgrade of Taiwan’s aerospace technological capability, acquisition of high-value and systematic development, laying the foundation of defense aerospace industry, leading Taiwan’s suppliers to become international commercial aerospace supply chain participants and ultimately bringing about 30 years of circular economy by creating industrial production and lifecycle maintenance.