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Aerospace Industrial Development Corporation Uses Domestic Machine Tools Benefiting Four Taiwan Manufacturers


Today December 26, 2018, the Aerospace Industrial Development Corporation (AIDC) held an unveiling ceremony for the inauguration of their new Hanger Center of Excellence No. 2. AIDC’s Chairman Liao Rong-Xi said they purchased 20 domestic machine tools for this new facility from four Taiwan manufacturers which echoed the government policy using products made in Taiwan. He added that the performance specifications of domestic machine tools have been able not only to meet requirements of mid and high-end the aerospace production but also could be highly customized to satisfy specific needs. In the future, AIDC will continue to integrate the capacity of the supply chain members to establish various centers, and surely will continue to favor domestically made machine tools as AIDC’s preferred choice.

The new Hanger of Excellence was equipped with state of the art milling machines, grinding machines, electrical discharge machines (EDM) and vertical lathes and features modern production lines which maximizes benefits with the application of lean production line management, intelligent manufacturing, remote computer transmission management programs and machine monitoring & rapid inspection. The unveiling of the center is also a testament to the success between Taiwan’s aerospace industry and domestic tool machine manufacturers which has been achieved with AIDC’s assistance. The quality, performance, cost and efficiency of Taiwan’s domestic tool machine manufacturers have become common benchmarks demanded by the international aerospace community.