AIDC's "Taiwan Advanced Composite Center (TACC) Construction Project Management" was Awarded Silver Prize in "2011 PMI Taiwan Best Practice On Project Management Award"
AIDC entered their Taiwan Advanced Composite Center (TACC) Construction Project Management into the Project Management Institute's (PMI) Taiwan Best Project Management Contest. After successfully completing two exhaustive rounds of competitive evaluations, AIDC won the Silver Award of the "2011 PMI Taiwan Enterprise Project Management Benchmarking Award" and "2011 PMI Taiwan Best Practice On Project Management Award."
The award ceremony was hosted by the PMI, Taiwan Chapter on November 5th, 2011, at the Crown Plaza Hotel, E-Da World, Kaohsiung. Mr. Kang Shiah, AIDC's Senior VP, Mr. Tony Liu, Mr. C.H. Lee, and the TACC construction management team participated in the ceremony to receive the award on AIDC's behalf.
Mr. Shiah in his remarks, expressed AIDC's appreciation for the PMI's recognition of AIDC's proficiency in the practice of project management, and PMI's effort in the continuing training and education of domestic project managers. He further stated that despite the global economic downturn, AIDC invested 2 billion NTD in the initiation of AIDC's TACC because composite material and technology development is an inevitable trend in the aerospace and many related industries which will benefit not only AIDC but other industries that require composite technology.
Lastly Mr. Shiah solicited PMI's continuous support saying that project management is an important tool in the aerospace industry and AIDC for many years has successfully performed project management as an intricate part of the SOP in both military and civil aircraft programs. AIDC will certainly continue to enhance its skill, knowledge and capability in project management.
The award ceremony was hosted by the PMI, Taiwan Chapter on November 5th, 2011, at the Crown Plaza Hotel, E-Da World, Kaohsiung. Mr. Kang Shiah, AIDC's Senior VP, Mr. Tony Liu, Mr. C.H. Lee, and the TACC construction management team participated in the ceremony to receive the award on AIDC's behalf.
Mr. Shiah in his remarks, expressed AIDC's appreciation for the PMI's recognition of AIDC's proficiency in the practice of project management, and PMI's effort in the continuing training and education of domestic project managers. He further stated that despite the global economic downturn, AIDC invested 2 billion NTD in the initiation of AIDC's TACC because composite material and technology development is an inevitable trend in the aerospace and many related industries which will benefit not only AIDC but other industries that require composite technology.
Lastly Mr. Shiah solicited PMI's continuous support saying that project management is an important tool in the aerospace industry and AIDC for many years has successfully performed project management as an intricate part of the SOP in both military and civil aircraft programs. AIDC will certainly continue to enhance its skill, knowledge and capability in project management.