Information Technology

Information Technology
The development of the IDF fighter provided the basis for AIDC to build upon its Information & Communication Technology (ICT) capability. In addition to basic ICT capabilities, AIDC’s expert IT Department members have mature domain knowledge and experiences in analysis, design, configuration management, production engineering, logistics and maintenance, that includes planning, implementation and integration of CAD/CAE/CAM/CAT, and PDM, PLM, ERP, APS, LIMS and BI systems, and development of comprehensive; Engineering, Manufacture, Production, Material, and Maintenance information application systems.
Furthermore, by satisfying individual department requirements, AIDC’s experts IT Dept. members have extensive experience in; IT project full life development, legacy system & legacy database migration, change management, go-live and systems integration; and Expertise in related project domain knowledge, integration & interface.
In addition, our IT Dept. has expanded the scope of its services to other industries to improve capacity, efficiency and achieving increased revenue and that has earned them high recognition and has set a good example for other state-owned enterprises providing ICT services. ICT service requires both “hard power: professional technology” and “soft power: accountability” to achieve customer satisfaction

Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) system service

The Information system is an indispensible tool to modern business management as it not only improves work efficiency but also serves as the facilitator for Management Rationalizing, Re-engineering and Enhancing business competitiveness. As a high-tech enterprise AIDC relies heavily on information technology and knowledge. Therefore, in addition to providing AIDC with most effective and economical service, AIDC’s IT Dept. provides customer-oriented services, consulting and training, including project management of information system development, SAP (ERP) System Management, Programming, Consulting, Human Resources Management, Material Management, Inventory Management, Procurement, Transportation & Customs Clearance, Finance, Accounting and Costing.

Enterprise Application System integration and service

To satisfy AIDC’s broad and varied information technology needs, AIDC’s IT Dept. has extensive knowledge and capabilities in information technology which includes; Office Automation,

System development and service

AIDC’s IT Dept. is capable of providing software development, consultation service in Telecommunication integrated alarm system, Customer service geographical information system (GIS).

Computer Communication service

AIDC’s IT Dept. is well-experienced in internet and e-commerce, especially server management and monitoring,

Proudct Lifecycle Management (PLM) service

AIDC’s PLM team has mature experience in CAD/CAE/CAM/PLM and domain knowledge in for example: Engineering

Aerospace Engineering Information Systems

In development and design phase, All CAD models, 2D/3D drawings, engineering files and related documents are set-up on AES system.
After design release, all product data will be put into PDM thru Configuration management process.
AES collaboration: All professional staff such as sales, concept development, design, procurement, production, delivery, maintenance can access the right product for visual inspection and discussion in AES platform.